Friday, July 28, 2006

You don't have to be a pharmacist

To laugh really hard at the ridiculousness ranted and lampooned by this man:

The Angry Pharmacist

TGIF. Tonight is Grub Gone Sweaty. Sounds kinky eh? ;-) It's a party/reading for us literary types. ciao ciao!


Anonymous said...

I'm suprised you haven't told the laundry - beige story. I think that was the highlight of Jobee's summer in Boston.

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a sick cookie, because I loved that mans rant. I loved that he said his parents never kept anything he made in grade school, but posted his "poop" rant on their fridge.

I'm pretty sure nurses are just as warped as pharmacists.

pgh (whos Nunny would give us the "BM Report" every day she babysat Jen..."She had a BM, but it wasn't sufficient."

Old people...gotta love em

Anonymous said...

that was hilarious! thanks for sharing, reminds me of the bizzaro stuff I see at work.......

Anonymous said...

..Gotta love the independant pharmacist !....His rants are hysterical !..and right on....thanks for the site info..we bookmarked it at work...cdk:)