I think my tomatoes are sick. *sniff* The plants have been doing well, and I have tons of fruit on them right now, but the leaves are starting to get yellow and die. I took a picture and was going to ask Krysten the garden goddess, but I didn't have time to take it off my camera and upload it. From the Googling I have done, it seems to be "Septoria Leaf Spot" which doesn't sound very good; it's fungal and I have to rotate crops or not plant tomatoes there next year or something. Pooh. Can't I just nuke it with fungicide?
I also need to share that I went to the Geek's house yesterday with the kids to swim in his new pool (or "ool" 'cuz there's no "P" in it! D'oh!) and we had Jello Pudding pops.
This time next week, I will not be at work, I will be resting, gorging on carbs, and going to bed early in preparation for The 3Day. I want to again thank everyone who supported me and donated to this cause. I have raised over $3,300! I am looking forward to this experience so much, I have heard it's very powerful. I plan to keep a diary, take pictures, and maybe make some audio posts at night at camp. That reminds me, I need to add bug repellent to my packing list! Ugh.
Are you meant to rotate tomatoes? I know that's the case with root plants.
Yay! I'm super excited for you chica! =D
yellow leaves are usually a sign of over-watering...
My dads tomato plants are very high, with hardly any fruit. He is not sure if deer are eating them, but he is not having a nice crop this year either.
Have fun at your thing next weekend.
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