Monday, September 26, 2005

It never felt so good, it never felt so right

I sang karaoke Friday night and it was so much fun I can't even tell you.  Even my homeboy sang.  We did a duet of Meatloaf's Paradise By The Dashboard Light, and the DJ guy Tom was like, "She's good."  Hee.  I also sang "Fever".  This was all after I completely bombed trying to sing a number from Chicago, because I couldn't find the right key.  Ouch!

All I did this weekend was eat out and drink.  I didn't get home from karaoke until almost 4AM, because we hit White Castle afterward (*note to self, remember how sick you were Saturday the next time you think of doing that.) and my mom totally reamed me.  I guess you never stop being a mother to your almost forty-year old daughter with three kids of her own.  After the shower, which was lovely btw, I had a wonderful dinner out with JoBee.  She thinks I should take a mutual friend to the reunion to relive his "glory days" of flirting with and dating half the cast of our school play.  I am considering it.  

I went back to bed again this morning after bus time.  Not good.  Must stop that.  Life demands my attention.

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