Props to lil' sissy for sending it over. Damn, how cool is that that I have people sending me stuff to blog about and I get to give them shout outs? Send me anything people, I'll post it or give my completely biased opinion on it. I still owe Bob my opinion on the new
Is it November yet? Please, God... I don't how much more of this I can take. Just to further exemplify my ineptitude, I totally forgot about CCD for Big One yesterday, (despite having it on the wipeboard planner) and today we had to go from orthodontist to gymnastics for Biggest One to then soccer for R, where Littlest One promptly melted down because I wouldn't stay and let him kick balls with the other kids on the sidelines. And here I thought I would make it through a day without him saying "I hate you!"
Which brings me to my other lovely surprise of the evening: Littlest One's kindergarten teacher calling me. I guess he's having trouble getting accustomed to the routine. She was so funny, because you could tell how she has to deal with parents all the time, and she doesn't want to make me all defensive and shit. I knew exactly where she was coming from though, considering the little dear had been doing everything possible to make getting ready to go to school in the morning impossible for the last week--to the point where I had to drive him to school yesterday. "He's not belligerent or fresh about it, so it's hard to know if he's in his own little world, or just thinking the rules don't apply to him." LOL She was relieved to know I get the same crap from him. So, as great minds think alike, she is doing a "sticker thingy" where he'll get a reward after doing so many "good listening things", much like I am doing stickers to get chores done.
Nobody told me it was going to be like this. It's a conspiracy though, like that Consortium on The X-Files. Ignorance is bliss. If we knew what we were in for the human race would never reproduce. I don't care how good the sex is!
1 comment:
omg how cute are you? I wish I could come and hold your babies! Maybe after the holidays.
The link is for Kayne West's song and video called "Bush Doesn't Like Black People." The site probably crashed due to all the hits with people sending it around the net.
How funny you used the Mrs.C! I just asked people to guess who it was above!
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