Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A call to arms...

...or legs, as it were.

It's that time again. I heard the ad run, the ad that first put the idea in my head that I could do something special to help those with breast cancer. The Breast Cancer 3 Day challenges you to walk 60 miles over 3 days, raising money and awareness. At the end of that walk you will be a different person, and the world will be a different place.

God, can I be any more dramatic? And I'm complaining about my daughter's histrionics.

The goal is to raise $2200, but I'm not posting today to ask you for your money. (That will come later!) It’s time for me to register. I’ve talked about it. Many of you have talked about it. I challenged you last August. I want to put together a team. I will help you train. The website will help you train. The walking is nothing really, the challenge is getting the money. But it’s doable. You know those good friends you have that sell Mary Kay or Tupperware? Have them host a party and donate some of the receipts. Empty coin jars. Something I haven’t done yet is hit up local businesses for sponsorship.
You can do this, you know you want to. Think about it. A, Jobee, CDK, Ell, Linda... Team Tough Titties awaits.


Anonymous said...

The team name is a total turn-off. I fully support you, but would rather do the behind-the-scenes work rather than the walking part.

dw said...

I've heard the ad here, too. I have so thought about doing it, but yeah, raising the money can be an issue, especially since I don't really have a big friend network here, and the ones that I do have are poor!

Anonymous said...

you know I'm in...what is the date ? our tennis team is heading to districts Aug 1-3...please do not tell me that is the weekend...