Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I wanted to try to post the poll results box in here but it won't work right. Most of you (5/14 votes) reach for the remote after a long, stressful day at work. Beer was second with 3 votes.

At least one person who voted said "all of the above." But now that I think about it, reaching for a gun could mean a postal rampage, and not suicide---which is what I was thinking. Actually, neither is all that healthy of a response to stress. *edited to say, the new poll mucked up my format. Meh. Screw it.

In my guest post over at Lisa's I wrote about the bizarre things people search for that bring my blog up as a hit. The hilarity spread to Orange's, where I nearly choked on my coffee when I read someone searched "menopausal farting." This is the stuff the Justice Department wants to know? And, is it really imposing on our civil liberties if the government knows you googled "gum stuck to my ass?"

Actually, I think it does. If I want to stick gum up my ass it's none of anyone's business. (Well, maybe my husband's but that's another post.)
Don't get me wrong, I know we have to protect children, and the country from terrorists, but from what I understand these little changes and tweaks to laws Bush and Co. want to impose are being packaged as "necessary for the good of the country" but open a whole 'nuther can of worms in terms of invading our privacy.

Speaking of the government, someone reads my blog from Washington, and they work for a company that provides integration software for Homeland Security among other things. Think I should be worried? Was it a search for "Bush haters" or "housewife porn" that triggered the hit? LOL. See I tied those two paragraphs together! Who's better than me? :p

(props to Linda for the pic!)


Kelly said...

What bothers me more is that people blindly except this B.S.! Hello, wake up! Your rights are slowly being snatch away! Before you know it we wont be able to wipe our own bums without the government knowing about it. -=rant over=-

Kelly said...

lol, I just had a thought...I wonder what is in my file "they" have one me... :) There is always Canada...

Joe said...

I hope you're not somehow implying that it's wrong to stick gum up one's ass.

Gina said...

Only if it's Hubba Bubba.

hello jamie: said...

I'm so not touching this post with a 10-foot pole.


hello jamie: said...

Oh, and G, I LOVED Skinny Dip, and Carl Hiassen in general. Let's chat about it when you're done!

KyuBall said...

I love the pic of Clinton and Chenney. That's funny.

Leesa said...

I disagree with MyUtopia. She said, "your rights are slowly being snatch away". I actually think they are being snatched away fairly quickly.

Gina said...

LOL @ Jamie. S'ok. Bygones sweetie.

That picture killed me when I opened my e-mail yesterday.

Kelly said...

Leesa: I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Leesa.

Now I have to go google "menopausal farting" to see if you come up. And then I have to google random word parings to see if my site comes up (I'm too much of a cheap bastard to shell out bucks to sitemeter for the fancy-pants version.)

Gina said...

Nuh uh Nancy! You get all that data with the free version. :)

I'm so glad you came by! I plan to check out your chapter for feedback. I'd love to start an online writing group. We talked about it a while back. I need to grab the bull by the balls, I mean horns...

hello jamie: said...

Gilmore Girls a couple of weeks ago... Lorelai's dog can't SEE the leash being put on him- it freaks him out. But if you distract him while you're doing it, he's fine once it's on - "he's OK with his rights being slowly stripped away as long as he's not aware that it's happening.... just like any good American." *snort*

Gina said...

Kinda gives another meaning to "wag the dog". LOL

Kelly said...

Great analogy Jamie

Bee said...

Here in the Bay Area we have a program for all the bridges called fast track. you open an account with your debit card, they give you a small transponder to put on your dashboard, and it automatically takes the money out when you cross a bridge. You save time (no toll taker) and money (they give discounts). What they don't promote is that the transportation deparment can use the transponder to check up on you whenever they want. Its kinda like a navigation device. Freaky.

Anonymous said...

No way? That's free? I can't find it on sitemeter.

Let me know when you get your writing group going.

Wow. I'm going to have to check out Gilmore Girls now. That's a great analogy.