Saturday, December 24, 2005

The three words that best describe you, are, and I quote: "Stink. Stank. Stunk."

So, it's bad enough I have to be here at work, while my family is home eating, drinking, and getting ready for Santa, (and baby Jesus of course. Go Jesus! Choose Jesus!) but I had to go eat crappy hospital cafeteria food that I wasn't even hungry for, but the stoopid thing closes at 7:00.

Back in the day, my family usually celebrated a big Christmas Eve. We used to go to my Uncle's house until my mom started hosting a big open house. My older sister, when she was old enough to start driving, used to take A an I in her car, and while we were gone, my parents would set the toys up, and we'd come home to find that Santa had come. On the way home, I remember Sue pointing up at the sky saying excitedly, "Look! I think I see Rudolph! That must be Santa!" If you know my sister you can imagine how animated she was with us. At which point we'd rush home to find out if we had presents under the tree. My mother once asked me which one if any stick out in my memory, and it was the one where I got an easel. On it was written "Merry Christmas! Love Santa."

That was some of the Christmas magic given to me. Now, my kids can track Santa on the internet courtesy of NORAD, which they think is quite cool. A really funny twist to all this is that we used to live right near LaGuardia Airport, and the red light in the sky that my sister so enthusiastically pointed out to us was most likely an airplane.

Anyway, they will be tucked with visions of sugarplums, (or GameBoys) by the time I get home tonight. I will stuff their stockings and enjoy an eggnog with my hubby.

Oh- and 47% of you wanted to slap Tom, followed by Cheney and Paris. I decided that this little feature could be both fun and educational, so I did some trivia this time.


Brain Diva said...

Ah, sorry you had to work, G. That is sucky. I have tales to tell from my pre-Xmas days/Xmas this year; I shall write it up in my blog when I feel less lazy. LOL

Gina said...

The Jambalaya was the *Best* in my memory yes. The worst hands down and will live in infamy is the purree of pea stuffed mushrooms. *shudder* (bygones Mommy!) It was fun being a teen and having all my friends stop by for fun and frolick that night after mass. I remember one time Mike Newman coming over! He was a big skier then, an instructor too. I wonder if he still does. I should google him.

Jo, I think the gifts on Christmas eve started when we had the big open house parties on Christmas eve, and the notion of coming home to find Santa came. (I think it's more that my parents didn't want to get back up or wait for us to go to bed to set the gifts up.) Plus we got older etc...

We has a great day, I'll post about it as well. Gen I look forward to reading yours.