Sunday, September 18, 2005

You called me strong, you called me weak but still your secrets I will keep

I went to a beautiful wedding this weekend in Williamsport, PA. If Williamsport sounds familiar to anyone, it's because that is where they hold the Little League World Series. I didn't get too hugely dolled up; I just wore a pantsuit dressed up with kick ass shoes. I burned my face (again!) with the freaking curling iron. I'm afraid I'm going to end up with a scar there. I think it's straight hair for me, or leave the curling to the professionals. LOL

What made the wedding so lovely was that it was this simple ceremony held in the grandmother of the groom's backyard. The couple had friends come up to each tell a special story. The speakers conjured up memories mixed with humor and pathos—there was so much love at this gathering it was hard not to be moved.

My weekend was capped off by eating fine Italian food back at my parent's house. We lunched on sandwiches made with fried eggplant, cheese, Italian cold cuts and roasted peppers, and then went to dinner at Brick Café, one of my favorite places on Earth. If you are ever in Astoria you must, must, must eat there. Or 718. I think my sissy has found another new one recently as well. I'll get back to you on that one. Even better is I get to back next weekend, (just me!) for a baby shower. I need to call my old homies. Jobee, you better clear your calendar!

I know this was very boring and "meme" but I shall have more tomorrow. I have a story I must write, I have a deadline! (bwah!)

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