Saturday, November 08, 2008

Rock the boat

I accidentally put eyeliner on my eyebrows this morning instead of the brow pencil. I was like, "whoa, why is that so dark?" Then I looked down at my hand when I went to put it back. I left it, and just went out looking like Joan Crawford for the day.

I was just going to the soccer field. It was one of those marathon days, with Biggest One being a referee at 10:30, Girlie's game at 11:45, and Littlest One's at 1:00. The athletes went 1-1.

So big changes in the world. I had hope for a while, but I still see so much bitterness around the Web, thinly guised xenophobia, that it makes me sad and mad.

I am hosting Thanksgiving. :) I have done Christmas for the past, oh like 7 or 8 years but this is the first time my NYC family is coming up to MA and letting me host them. So far I am trying to plan a yummy dinner with classic and updated sides, but not make myself nuts either. Once I have the whole menu down I'll post it. We went out and bought this cool soup tureen, because we want to have a soup course. Hubby has taken the reins of this. He will make the dinner rolls too.

My house is near silent. We just got back from Barnes and Nobel and everyone is reading. Can't beat that.

I promise to try to blog more. I swear. Tell all your friends to come back.


hello jamie: said...

can I please send you a creamed corn and wild rice side dish recipe? You won't be disappointed.

Love you.

dw said...

Can't wait to see your menu. How exciting to have everyone over for your first Thanksgiving in your new home. :)

I'm having Thanksgiving dinner in Florida again, though we're not camping this time. The day after, we leave for Budapest. The rest of the family gets to deal with leftovers. (Though that is a part of Thanksgiving I just love.)

Anonymous said...

G, you are slacking on the blogging. Come on!

Anonymous said...

I;m disappointed. You rant about the elections and then afterward we get an update on your eyebrows? Really.

And you didn't even tell me about your sister. Bad blogger - bad blogger!

Michael Leggett said...

Shea Stadium is on its' "Last Legs", as all levels but Upper Level, are gone;

60% of Upper Level is gone, and roof of Upper Level has been ripped out.