Tuesday, August 22, 2006

There is this lone gossamer thread catching the sunlight as it rises and falls in the breeze outside my kitchen window. Instead of a spider I imagine this teeny-tiny action hero crawling up the side of my porch. Hee. Who would his arch rival be; The Wasp? Maybe the rodent-beast that is digging under my lawn.

I am exercising my mind. I must start putting words to a page. I think I am going to tackle National Novel Writing Month this November. NaNoWriMos commit to the challenge of writing 50,000 words from Nov 1st to a Nov 30th deadline. Hey, nothing else seems to get my ass to stay in front of a keyboard to work, maybe something like this will. You up for it Nancy? Daniel? Lazy?

(Wow, as I visit Daniel's site I see he has lost his father. Just a week or so ago, Lisa lost her brother-in-law in a tragic accident. Too much death in blogland. *shudder*)

I must shower, work on puppy training the monster puppy, take girlie-girl to exchange the leopard-print pencil box we bought yesterday because the lock it came with doesn't work. Then I hope to get some sun and a walk in. And write. :)


Anonymous said...

it's charlotte's web

Unknown said...

I'd LOVE to try it, but I don't have the time. Argh! Maybe in 2 years when the boyos turn 6 and go to first grade...

Brain Diva said...

I'm so glad to see you will attempt NaNoWriMo! It is a good challenge, I think. :)