Thursday, August 03, 2006

Every day I write the book

Quoting Elvis (not the King the Costello) reminds me of Jobee and that I never finished telling tales of our adventures into adulthood. Last week in the comments she brought up the laundry. So the girl spends a summer with me here in Boston. It was my first apartment---two bedrooms in an old three story building that I shared with three other girls; Shell, Elaine, and Debbie. Debbie was never there, she only needed an address and phone number to give her parents but she pretty much lived with her boyfriend. This was ideal for her because it was cheap rent given the circumstances. It was ideal for me because she shared my room. ;)

Anyway this is why I had room for my BFF to come loaf on my couchplay with me while I was on Co-op for the summer. (N.U. has a Co-op program where you alternate work and school semesters.) The first time I had to do laundry, she accompanied me to the Laundromat across the street. This was a novelty for Jobee, who apparently had never done a load of laundry in her life. I had to explain sorting to her, which then led to the problem of whether beige was a white, or a color. (I must admit at this point in my life beige gets its own category.)

I found this great public radio program called "Writers on Writing". The host interviews authors and others in the industry about their projects and about writing and getting published. I had to bring this up for Nancy, Lisa, Daniel and others who like me are trying to write fiction. The episodes are all archived for podcast, and one in particular I found so helpful was with Dennis Palumbo. He is former TV screenwriter who went on to become a licensed therapist and that show was all about how to sit down and overcome your obstacles and write. I highly rec listening to it.

Littlest One is riding Diesel. I just had to throw that in there.

What if has a new exercise, finally. Sorry I've been neglecting it lately, but I do want to keep this going. Please check it out.

Edited! I almost forgot I wanted to mention a contest at Glimmer Train It's a short fiction contest for new writers and the deadline for submissions is Sept. 30. I bring it up because they have online submissions, and you can keep track of your entry via your own personal profile on their site. Contests are a really great way to get published, and sometimes you get a prize.

So this is it. Tomorrow morning the walk begins at Farm Pond Park, Framingham. I am so excited. I have to pack. Check back for some audio posts on the experience as I go. Send some mojo to me. :)


Leesa said...

I have seen a "Writers on Writing" RV before. And I had no idea what it was about.

hello jamie: said...

Actors on Acting is a well-known textbook for those of us who have degrees in such matters. After they sold a bajillion copies, the creative world at large started similar projects, Directors on Directing, Writers on Writing, etc.

Good stuff, IMHO.

Brain Diva said...
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Brain Diva said...
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Brain Diva said...

I'm sorry I forgot to wish you luck for the walk before you left. I'm an idiot.

By the way, one of the girls who manages the Office fanfiction archive with me was talking about how she was going to participate in National Novel Writing Month (, and I thought of you. There are plenty of activities going on. Cool, huh?

I apologize for all my deleted posts. I was trying to post the link for NaNoWritMo and it is not working for some reason! Weird.

Dave Amirault said...

Comment deleted... wiggity wack. Ha.
Check mmp, i got a new comment dealie code magic thing. Let me know if you're interested. It displays your comments below your post without having to launch popups and bs like that.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Thanks for the heads-up about Writers on Writing.

Glimmer Train is about the best literary mag out there these days, since Story closed shop a few years back. I'm the proud owner of three rejection slips from GT.